The LID650 decoder is designed for applications where a larger reading distance is required.
Reader activation can be placed under software control, or can be trigger controlled.
The LID650 decoder has been designed for use with external multiple coil antennas,
such as the ANT610F, 611 and 612. When using the antenna driver TM613 it is also possible to use single coil antenna for enhanced reading performance compared to the LID665.
Based on the firmware there are 4 versions available:
Standard version with ASCII RS232 protocol. On single point connection also the RS485 interface can be used for long cable distances using the ASCII protocol -
Networkable version using the RS485 2-wire bus system. Protocol in HEX format incl. addressing of the decoder. Same protocol can also be used on the RS232 interface when using single decoders on a short distance. -
The LID650-Multi decoder reads also the FDX-B ISO standard and EM4102 transponders. The communication protocol for RS232 and RS485 are the same, so only one order code. -
Special firmware version for use in access control applications. Is a networkable version using the RS485 2-wire bus system. Works together with our Trovan® Access Guard PC software. Also the RS232 interface can be used on single decoders on a short distance.