Enhance your wildlife research or conservation project with
Microchips & Remote Monitoring Systems

How does it work?
We provide a range of Unique and ISO
sterile microchips that are ready to implant and suitable for all manor of wildlife.
Microchips are superior to identification tags or tattoos as they are designed to last an animals lifetime and can be identified using readers.

What are the applications?
Once an animal has been microchipped,
they can easily be identified using one of our
economic portable hand-held readers when they have been recaptured, caught, injured or found dead.
Example: Zoos all over Australia use our implantable microchips for wildlife. This paired with any one of our handheld readers make identification easy.

What about remote monitoring?
If you intend to try to track the movements of the
animals in certain areas out in the field or
within a laboratory or enclosure, then this may be achieved by setting up remote monitoring systems consisting of single or multi coil antennas connected to paired decoder/data loggers.
The information collected by your decoder can then be transferred to your PC in a CSV format, allowing you to generate incredibly useful information for your project.
Example: Many wildlife conservation projects in Australia will strategically place an antenna in the field or a wildlife enclosure. This could be at a feed or water station, a known walking track, at the entrance to a burrow or nesting site etc. By connecting the antenna to a decoder or data-logger, researchers and conservationists are able to track when each animal is moving through certain areas. This could then give insights into sleeping patterns, eating habits, animal interactions and more. By using multiple antennas, the amount of data can be greatly increased and more animals can then be tracked.

Optional extras
Remote Access: If you need to access the information remotely, we can connect your decoder to the 4G cellular network, giving you 24/7 access to your data from any device.
Price on request
Solar Panels: We offer a 65 watt solar panel kit which can greatly reduce the need to recharge the battery powering the system.
From $225
Optical Beam Sensor: This sensor is used to conserve battery power. When sensors are used the antenna always stays in “sleep” mode until the beam between the sensors is tripped.
From $175
Weigh Scale: A weigh scale can be integrated with the antenna/decoder system and will record the weight data in addition to microchip number, date and time.
From $1,000
Multiple Antennas: You also have the option to use multiple antennas independently or connect them via a network.
Price on request

We can’t wait to help you with your wildlife project!
How much will it cost?
Our microchips start from as little as $4.90/unit inc GST.
Our handheld readers start from $249.00 inc GST.
A basic remote monitoring system can be setup from just $2,000 inc GST.
What information to include in your quote request:
1. What species of animal, bird, fish, reptile are you trying to monitor?
2. Does the target species already have microchips in them and, if so, what type and size are the microchips? And what is the implant site?
3. Are you wanting to monitor the entrance/exit of burrows or movement along a known track or access to a feed or water point or...?
4. What size and type of antenna are you looking to use? e.g. a single coil “walk-through” antenna or a multi-coil flat panel “walk over” antenna?
5. How many antenna/decoder units do you want to use and do you want them to be linked by multi-plexing or just single independent units?
6. What information are you after? e.g. just an i/d/date/time stamp or “in-out” information, direction of movement, weight data integration etc?
7. How fast will the target species likely to be travelling through or over the antennas?
8. How many reads per day are you likely to get?
9. How often are you likely to visit the sites?
10. Are the sites suited to use of solar panels to extend the life of the 12V DC batteries?
11. How do you want to download the data? e,g. on-site to a laptop via a comms cable, stored on a USB datalogger-linked memory stick or via modem to the cloud and access remotely?

Projects using our microchips and RFID technology

Saving Tasmanian Devils
As part of the 'Save the Tasmanian Devil' program, Microchips Australia aided by Dorset ID used TROVAN monitoring equipment to monitor over 90 animals on a 115 square kilometer island.

Monitoring Free-Range Chicken
In response to consumer demand for improvement in hen welfare, our microchips and RFID equipment were used in an experiment to identify how stocking density impacted range use in hens.

New Platypus Tracking Technique
A team from a university in Perth used our implantable microchips and remote monitoring systems to track the elusive platypus to track a fungal disease, called mucormycosis.

Impact of Bird Song on Humans
The Universeum, located in the heart of Gothenburg in Scandinavia, mounted our antennas on Song Bird feeding perches to examine how often each bird would feed and also to display information about the each species on a screen for visitors.

The Cricket Behavioural Study
The research team lead by Petri Niemela at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München deployed an array of networked LID650/ANTC40 readers to gather data on crickets in the field, to study cricket behaviors and log which crickets left which burrows and how far they flew.

The Goliath Dragon Breeding Program
There are approximately 10-16,000 Rhinoceros Iguanas or 'Goliath Dragons' in the wild. A successful breeding program exists using our wildlife microchips at the Parque Zoológico Nacional of the Dominican Republic (ZooDom) with an average of 100 babies hatching annually.

Capturing Sheep & Goat Weight
It takes about 2 hours to weigh a flock of 100 sheep, and the process can even go for a week in larger farms with more than 1000 sheep. A combined system using RFID, automated weighing and computerization of records expedites the entire process. In fact, 100 animals could be weighed in about 15 minutes.

GIMHAE International Airport
Pets traveling to South Korea (regardless of age) are required to be implanted with a 15 digit ISO 11784/11785 compliant pet microchip. GIMHAE international airport selected the TROVAN GR series High Performance Multi Reader for their customs pet ID check process.

Leadbetter’s Possums Return
The Leadbeater’s Possum is Victoria’s State Fauna emblem but is unfortunately also an endangered species. Our remote monitoring units LID650 decoder with customized antenna at feed stations and nest boxes has helped collect vital information in the recovery of the Leadbeater Possum population.

We Assist in Buffalo Project
Central Romana Corporation in Dominican Republic is using TROVAN 162A bulk transponders as a management tool for their buffalo project. With the use of Trovan transponders, they have been able to identify their animals for inventory and tracking purposes in order to have more control over them.

Tracking Korean Gorals
The Association of Korean Goral Conservation supported by Kangwon University has been using TROVAN ARE H5 Handheld Readers and our wildlife microchips with Butterfly Pushers on Korean Gorals for ongoing research and protection purposes.

Koala Water Stations
The University of Sydney undertook a research project to monitor Koalas visiting water stations that were mounted on trees on remote farmland in northern NSW. Microchips Australia and Dorset ID helped to design the RFID monitoring aspect of the project which significantly reduced the Koala fatalities caused by dehydration.